����� 3


-                     anesthetic                                   =        a drug or gas used to make an area numb; a painkiller   �Ҫ�    

-                     as long as                                   =        provided that, since  ��Һ��ҷ��

-                     be about to                                 =        be just ready to do something in the immediate future  ���ѧ��

-                     cavity                                         =        a hollow place as in a tooth   �ٿѹ��

-                     comment (v.)                               =        to make a remark  �Ԩ�ó�

-                     constant (adj.)                              =        never changing, regular  �����

-                     delay (v.)                                     =        to put off, postpone for a period of time  ����͹�͡�

-                     dental (adj.)                                 =        concerning teeth, dentistry    �������ǡѺ�ѹ

-                     dread (v.)                                    =        to anticipate with fear or distaste  ����֡����

-                     endure (v.)                                  =        to tolerate, bear, stand  ���ҹ

-                     even so (exp.)                              =        in spite of that, though that is true  �����Ҩ����蹹��

-                     facility (n.)                                   =        establishment, building that facilitates some activities  �Ҥ�÷���ӹ�¤����дǡ㹡�÷ӡԨ������ҧ �

-                     fall apart (v.)                                =        to disintegrate, break into pieces  �¡�͡�ҡ�ѹ

-                     glance (v.)                                   =        to look at briefly  ����ͺ���ͧ

-                     go through (v.)                              =        to endure, search  ����

-                     grind, ground, ground (v.)                 =        to crush into fine particles, rub harshly, like teeth    ����������´

-                     in spite of                                   =        despite, taking no notice of    ��� � ���

-                     needle                                       =        a pin-like device  ���

-                     nerve                                        =        part of the nervous system    ����ҷ

-                     nonetheless                                 =        nevertheless  ���������ҧ�á���

-                     nor                                            =        and not, or not  ���

-                     numb                                        =        having loss of sensation, without feeling or pain  ��

-                     regardless (adv.)                            =        despite the fact that¸ anyway  ��� � ���

-                     regardless of (prep)                       =        in spite of   ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ � ���

-                     relieve                                       =        to lessen, reduce, ease   ��͹����   

-                     though                                       =        however, nevertheless, in spite of everything  ������

-                     to begin/start with                        =        the first reason is  ������鹨ҡ

-                     vanish                                        =        to disappear, go away  ���͹����              

-                     vicinity                                       =        the surrounding area ����dz�ͺ� 

-                     withstand                                    =        to tolerate, endure, resist      �� ��ҹ�ҹ


Ẻ�֡�Ѵ��� 1 ���Ѻ����� Column A �Ѻ�������¢ͧ��� Column B


Column A

Column B

���. 1. numb

���. 2. vicinity

���. 3. withstand

���. 4. cavity

���. 5. fall apart

���. 6. anesthetic

���. 7. regardless

���. 8. grind

���.9. relieve

��� 10. vanish

a. to disintegrate

b. a drug or gas used to make an area numb, a painkiller

c. despite the face that

d. to disappear

e. to lessen, reduce, ease

f. the surrounding area

g. having loss of sensation without  feeling or pain

h. a hollow place as in a tooth

i. to crush into fine particles

j. to resist


Answer Key   1. g   2. f    3. j   4. h    5. a    6. b    7. c   8. i    9. e   10. d.


Troublesome English


-                     raise (v.)  + �ӹ�� = ������٧��� ������ԭ�͡������ �� The students raise their hands when they would like to ask questions.  �ѡ���¹¡�������;ǡ�ҵ�ͧ��ö���Ӷ��

-                     rise (v.) = �٧��� ��  The sun rises in the east.  ����ҷԵ���鹷ҧ��ȵ��ѹ�͡

Idioms and Expressions

          Eager Beaver ����� ������դ�����е������� ����դ�����������зӧҹ˹ѡ������觷��������������������������Դ������������觵�ҧ �

�� Jim is really an eager beaver.  He goes to school during the day and works in the evenings and on weekends. (����繤�����դ�����е������� �����¹㹵͹��ҧ�ѹ ��зӧҹ㹵͹��ҧ�׹����ѹ��ش�ش�ѻ����)



Future Tense: V. to be about to = ���ѧ��  ���������   �繡���ʴ��˵ء�ó���С��ѧ���Դ����͹Ҥ��ѹ��� ��  Hurry up! The lesson is about to begin. ����� ��� �����¹���ѧ�����������


������� (Coordinating Conjunctions): so, yet, nor

-                     so = �ѧ���  ������Ѻ�����ػ������ ���ͼŢͧ��á�з� �� 

                 Sophie always studies hard.  (ʶҹ��ó�)

                 She passes the exam.  (��)

                 Sophie always studies hard so she passes the exam. ⫿բ�ѹ���¹���� �ѧ����֧ͨ�ͺ��ҹ

-                     yet = �ѧ  ���ʴ������Ѵ��� �դ������¤���¡Ѻ����� but ��

                  I didn�t prepare for the test. (��á�з�)

                  I passed it. (��觷���Դ�ç�ѹ����)

                  I didn�t prepare for the test, yet I passed it. �ѹ�����������������Ѻ����ͺ��� ��ѹ���ͺ��ҹ

-                     nor = ���   ��㹻���¤����ʸ ��

                  Sharon doesn�t like English.  (����¤����ʸ)

                  Her daughter doesn�t like English. (�����Ż���ʸ�������)

                  Sharon doesn�t like English, nor does her daughter.  ���͹���ͺ�����ѧ��� �١�ͧ�͡��蹡ѹ


Ẻ�֡�Ѵ 2: ����� so, yet ��� nor ŧ㹪�ͧ��ҧ���仹��

1. Marc is always late, ����. he received a cut in his pay.

2. Her father gave her a brand new car, ����.. she didn�t know how to drive it.

3. Josh wanted to leave to party,  ����� he was there until midnight.

4. Jane is looking for a new job, ����.. she can make more money.

5. I tried to call my family all day, ����.. nobody answered.

6. We should go to the theatre earlier, ����� we can get a good seat.

7. Mike didn�t ask any question, ����� did he listen to the teacher.

8. Alan doesn�t like to eat fruits, ����� does he like vegetables.

9. Harry is very lazy.  He doesn�t like to work, ����� does he like to study.

10. Nicole went on vacation, ����.. she could forget all about her work.

Answer Key  

1. so   2. yet  3. yet  4. so   5.yet   6. so   7. nor   8. or   9. nor  10. so